Animal Invasion!

 We live on a good-sized property. 1.6 acres of land backed by more than 5 acres of town land. And on the other side of the street is a pond and a bunch of hiking trails. So you would expect some animals passing by, right?  We have the occasional deer, a few turkeys, countless birds, possibly a moose(that’s still up to debate) and some coyotes pass through every now and then. But lately…

Two snakes have decided that our shed is a good place to live.

By the way, these snakes are over four feet long. I usually don’t have anything against snakes, in fact, I think they’re cute. But being bit by one of those… not exactly on my list of things to do.

And now a groundhog!?!

This little guy is adorable, but what about our garden????

And when you have animals, prepare to see a bunch of holes. We thought something was digging into our chicken coop, but it turns out that my chicken, June, was digging out!
She hates being cooped up(see what I did there) ;)

So I guess she decided to break out.

Luckily the hole was covered before she could fit through it.

And while I’m talking about animals, have you ever heard of a Sheep Leaf Sea Slug?
Yes it is real

                                And ADORABLE 
It’s one of my new favorite animals!!!!

How could you not love this thing????


  1. Wow! I've never seen a slug like that! I'm fine with snakes if they leave me be, but FOUR FEET LONG?! Yeesh! AC


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